Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hidden Potential

Last week as I began to really flesh out my Sunday discussion the idea of how Jesus (God) must see hidden potential really hit me.
We know that is driven by love. It was his love that sent us his son. But could it be that within that love is the idea he wants to unlock the hidden potential within us that he first created us with?

As I began to explore that idea, it dawned on me... part of the reason we don't intentionally reach out to people is because we don't see any potential at all. In fact all we see is a bunch of losers in our lives.

Then it hit me that what the religious leaders of Jesus day saw.... no potential at all.

How that must have hurt God and driven Jesus even more.

Sometimes I imagine and dream of what is hidden deep within me waiting to get out.
But do I see that within others? At times yes, I have... but only after I have developed a friendship with a person does that happen. But what if we mixed hidden potential with passionate love to help us really care about others in our world.

Starting today, try and really believe that within every person is something amazing and of great value.
Gifts, talents, dreams, skills, that will only enrich your life, the church and this world.
Starting today, look past the labels and see the hidden potential... let that inspire you to just hang out with people... just as they are so that someday, they can be who God really designed them to be.

You never know someone might surprise you with some day.

I know that this topic will develop into a full discussion series in the coming months.
So look out, we're not done with talking about HP.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Heart of line up

Last night we had our weekly softball and what a game it was! Due to several injuries and people being gone we had to field several new people and go without some of our beat atheletes. So last inning we're down by three runs..... bases are loaded and their pitcher starts walking people. Finally I come to the plate with the bags full and no outs.... normally not what you'd want to have happen. I took another walk and scored a run.

In the end we won by one run and I had my best night at the plate since..... well forever.

This weekend I had a birthday (43.. officially, but still feel like 24).

Now will I be placed in the heart of the line up again or back at the bottom next week.
If I were coach Jamie.... I'd play the averages, go with the history books....celebrate the one good game I had and put me back near the bottom.

I may feel like I'm 24 in my soul.... but my body knows the truth and won't let my fellow team mates for get it.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Eagle Bluff

Yesterday I went with my twins (Sarah & Hannah) to their safety patrol training day at Eagle Bluff resort near Lanesboro, MN.
It's a beautiful place that over looks the valley that Lanesboro is in. The day ended in a rain shower that kept some kids from facing the challenge of the "tree tops". Tree tops is a high rope experience / challenge that takes you 30 ft off he ground and allow you to zip line at the end. The 10 year olds faced the fears and completed the course in the morning. Man it cool to see my twins conquer the fears and fly down that zip line at the end.

My only regret is that the afternoon rain kept me from getting up in the trees beginning able to have the same experience.
So yesterday I lived the challenge and high adventure through my kids... next time I'm taking the challenge.

Monday, June 09, 2008

End of world?

This weekend I was riding with my kids as the rain continued to come down. It has rained for so many days now. The regional weather has been packed for tornados, hail, strong winds and more rain. My kids asked me "is this how God will destroy the world dad?" I had to explain, that in spite of how bad it seems... no God won't destroy the world this way... He already did that.
I explained, that in the end... God will destroy it all by fire.
Man did that get the attention!

But it got me thinking. There have been, many, many storms, earthquakes, natural disasters these past few months. For many people it would seem like their "life" is over, and yet they live among the pain and destruction. I wonder how many others out in the world are like my kids actually wonder, not knowing if this is the end of it all.

Gas prices keep rising, job market gets smaller and smaller, natural forces and spiritual forces are in battle.
Something has got to give, sometime, some day.

I wonder sometimes, "how close to the end of the age are we?"
But even as I think that, it ignites a fire with in me to stay on mission and reach this world for God. Time is slipping by.

I wonder, If I'm the only thinking these things.... or are we all having the same thoughts?

Sunday, June 08, 2008

LIFE TEST - Jealousy

The Green-eyed monster. Have you ever been the Green Eyed Monster, or at least seen it destroy someone?
This week we looked at the classic story of Daniel and The Lions Den (Daniel 6). But we looked why Daniel got thrown into the Lions Den to begin with. We often explore Daniel's great faith and power of God, but not at Journey this week. No we looked at how Daniel's co-workers were sooooooooo jealous that they coached the king into making a stupid law that would trap Daniel.
These co-workers were so jealous it grew and grew until they wanted to see Daniel die.

The green-eyed monster can grow to be a dangerous, dangerous beast!

The truth is that there is a monster within all of us... fighting it's way to get out.
How are you dealing with the monster?
Do you feed it, like it, want to grow....
Or are you trying to tame it, and kill it?

If music can tame the savage beast... love can tame the green eyed monster.

It's final exam day... how's your monster?

Friday, June 06, 2008


I have to admit that when I began preparing the LIFE TEST discussion series for Journey and was I going to base it on the life of Daniel from the Old Testament, I was excited and concerned. Many of have heard the story of the fiery furnace and lions den. They are so cool of stories. And yet they often come off so simple sounding. My challenge was to represent those and other stories in a fresh way, away that applied to our everyday lives.

With this last weeks discussion I had a new challenge before me. Helping people see the spiritual of King Nebuchadnezzar as a key plot line in the total book of Daniel. Few, if any, of our people had every heard this side of the story for sure.
Yet the more I explored the Kings role in the entire book of Daniel, the more I saw a man on a spiritual journey and going nowhere because of his pride.

How would our people react to hearing and seeing how much pride can stop us from really being free and knowing Christ?

All I can say is WOW was I surprised!
Our LIFE Groups ripped into to pride and forgiveness big time.
It appears that this story helped them see and understand it in a new way.

Pride comes before the fall. We pray that this weeks discussion will help many of us not have to fall at all because of our pride.

Sound off... how do you wrestle with pride?
Are you and God separated because of your pride?

Double Vision

What an exciting, crazy, tiring Sunday it was this past week as launched our 2nd Sunday morning gathering! The band played and rocked out twice.... great job team! I spoke twice... man that was weird. And we have over 100 kid and adults come through our doors. Praise God!
Did I mention we did this on June 1st?

Recently I heard another church planter challenge a group of pastors on when and how we launch second services. Normally, churches and leaders wait until you’re well past the 100 barrier to make such a move. This man hinted strongly that churches should launch a second service... sooner than later. Provide another “door way” for people to seek, connect and grow with God. Plus... if you’ve got 200 or more people, it’s emotionally harder to launch a smaller, new service. If you do it at the 100 mark, gatherings of 45-60 aren’t that small. Emotionally people can risk and do it sooner than later.

So we’re trying a second gathering.
We’re committed to a long term test of this concept, not a one of two we experiement. It’s an exciting for us, to not settle in a play it safe... but rather stay on the edge and risk for God’s kingdom.

Great job everyone for staying focused and doing things so well this weekend. May we continue to move with God, expecting him to build his church as focus on serving and loving people.

New Website

Journey is four years old and a lot has changed since we began this wild adventure with God and friends. One thing that hasn’t changed drastically has been our website.
Before Journey was launched we were blessed by a man that underwrote all the expenses related to our website. Then a web-professional did all the work for us.
What an amazing God size gift back in 2004!
Since then we have several different people maintain and further develop the website. Over the years it has become one of our best outreach and connecting tools! That is because these dedicated people have kept the site fresh and ever changing. A site that is static and outdated is no good. One that is changing and fresh shows a church that is active and alive. So thanks to those that have served God, by using your gifts, talents and passions on our site.

Today, we launch a fresh look to our site! I hope that you like what you see and that it continues to be one of our best connection and outreach tools. Look for more additions and improvements with this new site.
One to note is that along with our audio pod cast we are beginning to experiment with video podcasting of our main morning discussions. Look for that exciting new ministry are to grow. For you can find both audio and video podcast on the same page. In the future that will change.

This website change is timely as we add a second (early) Sunday morning gathering time at the Chateau. We are looking for God to lead us forward and grow as a church.
I pray that this website, as a tool, helps us reach our city and make more disciples each week, month and year.

Welcome to Journey 2.0

But Even If He Doesn't

This weekend we celebrated Memorial Day, and remember the many men and women that gave all that they had for freedom. In spite of personal pain, suffering, and lose many have given there all for freedom.
This Sunday I referenced Nelson Mandela who spent 27 years in a South African prison because he refused to bow down and accept that apartheid was ok. Regardless of the person pain and the pain to those around him, Mandela would not waiver. Evidentially he was released and in 1994 was elected President of South Africa.

In the book of Daniel, Chapter 3... the scriptures tell us of three men that refused to bow to the Kings abusive power and authority. They knew the cost of not bowing BEFORE they said no and they still said no. The King gave them a second chance, and the still said no. They say in a strange way. They said, 
“O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty. But even if he doesn’t, we want to make it clear to you, Your Majesty, that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up.” (Daniel 3:16-18)

“But even if he (God) doesn’t”

What a bold, radical, faith. Faith built on the knowledge and understand that God has real ultimate power and authority!

Where did we come to believe that God has to fly in, play superman and save us? Can God be seen, even if we go down? More and more I believe that God wants his followers, his church to not bow in the intense times, but rather stand no matter what! Standing in the “even if” moments is not going to be easy... but who ever said following God, believing in the power of Jesus was going to be easy. Certainly Jesus never said that.

My struggle is when the hurt and pain effects others that I love. I can deal with the heat pretty well... but when I see others getting burned by my stand.... that’s tough.

As yourself... as I have asked myself... “Will I stand firm, stay committed, give my all like Mandela, like these three Jews, like the disciples, like Jesus.... Even if he doesn’t save me?”

Can I do any less for my Lord?

Random Test

This week has been a week of random LIFE TEST for me, several people at Journey and a couple sent to Rochester for medical needs. In all of this I have seen God work in amazing ways, ways that I never could have planed, imagined or dreamed up.
This past weekend we held our annual Leadership Advance and as a group we explored some test that the church is facing now and some that are almost for sure going to come our way as we add a second service, increase of discipleship efforts, and continue to intentionally reach out to our city. What was so great this weekend was how the team openingly saw the test, and refused to fear them or retreat from them. Instead we prayed, ripped things apart and put them back together so that we had the best chance to pass test, What is driving the team in these current test and future test, is a passion for the lost and for God.
My test in this continues to be how do I best lead. I dream big dreams, I believe in a big God wanting to do what seems like impossible.... everyday. My test is to navigate that, teach that and be sensitive to my leaders, the family of God at Journey and of course the Holy Spirit. I can push to hard and snap people.... which equals a failure.
Or I can lead with purpose and passion... success.
Finally, I have the pleasure of getting to know a young couple that had to come to Rochester for medical advice, only to find that things may be more serious. I have seen them step into this serious and emotional test with grace and strength that can only come from God.
I have seen a two local churches communicate better because of the need. And I have seen two churches, three states away, link up and love on this couple.

Test are not fun most of the time, but it’s very exciting to see God do his thing if we step into the test and do all that we can. Test results are not all in yet on any of these random test.
Will the team really lead strong, take risk and stay on mission as we grow?
Will I cast vision, lead and explain things well or end up being too soft or too hard?
Will this couple feel lost and alone or love and cared for over the long haul of treatment, miles and uncertainty?

Oh God grant us wisdom in these test and what is yet unseen.

Exponential Churches

Well day one of the Exponential Church conference in Orlando, FL. is done. Today I attended a break out session (part 1 of 2) featuring lead Pastor Mark Batterson.
Mark pastors NCC which is a church plant the meets in Union Station in Washington DC. Mark was talking Creative Communication. I found it interesting that Mark stressed the power and important of Internal communication verse always external communication, promotions, PR.
Tomorrow Mark will be going deeper into how they use creative communication in the message series and how he prepares himself and his team for it.

On a personal note, I was happy and surprised by how much of what shared we at Journey are already doing or have done. I continue to feel that as a church we are doing many, many things right by church plant growth standards. As always... we’ll wait on God to grow us to the next level. Creative communication is a must for a church to clearly communicate the Gospel... but it does not mean your church will automatically grow.